Florida roofing systems take quite a beating from the elements that cause stress and strain leading to premature failure of even the most well-built roof. Damage from mold, moisture, and extreme temperatures can be prevented however with our sealing and coating systems. Further, regularly maintaining a roof can maximize the life of a worn roof, often postponing costly reroof expenditures.
Sealing: Once the roof system has been cleaned, Garabar is able to offer a clear coat sealing system that acts as a barrier to UV rays, moisture, mold, dirt, and grime and can keep your roof looking cleaner longer. A good sealer, regularly applied will also maintain the color of the roof and extend its serviceable life possibly saving thousands of dollars in the long term.
Roof Coatings: Our coatings can be used to restore almost any flat roofing system including modified bitumen, metal, built-up, single-ply, and more. They can even be applied to an existing or failing roofing system and can prevent moisture damage saving the cost of roof replacement and offering a reflective surface to reduce cooling costs.